Saturday, October 08, 2011

The Use of Rubrics in the EFL Classroom

In views of ensuring students' success in their educational process, teachers need to create, contextualize and provide their students with rubrics.  Rubrics are guidelines which describe the way specific skills will be assessed.


ENGLISH TIDBITS as presented  by Professor Malena Brenes
Centro Interamericano de Estudios de Posgrados


In her educational blog, our colleague Professor Malena Brenes, presented some of the advantages and disadvantages as well as the implications of utilizing animated TV programs as a tool to expose ELL’s (English language learners) to the language.

 Professor Brenes based her article and presentation on  The Simpsons, a popular American animated TV series first broadcasted in 1989, and recommended that educators pay special attention to the content of the program prior to exposing students to it.  Furthermore, she suggested analyzing the vocabulary in views of avoiding frustration on the students’ part as a result of not understanding anything.

 Likewise, she mentioned the importance of not fostering bad habits in young learners as this program contains many scenes and examples of unacceptable social behavior.  If you are interested in more detailed information on this presentation, log on to

Thursday, October 06, 2011

Manifestación pacífica de estudiantes en Sede UCR Limón

Esta mañana (jueves 6 de octubre) al llegar al recinto de la Universidad de Costa Rica, Sede Dr. Rómulo Salas Guevara en Limón, me encontré con un grupo de estudiantes del Movimiento Universitario Independiente que había ocupado parte del corredor del área administrativa.  Me explicaron que lo hacían con el objetivo de ser atendidos por el Sr. Ricardo Wing, administrador del recinto universitario y de esta forma manifestarle sus inquietudes y disconformidad respecto de diversos asuntos relacionados con el convivir y la administración del recinto universitario.

A petición de los estudiantes, tomé algunas fotografías para evidenciar que en ningún momento habían obstaculizado las puertas de ingreso a las oficinas y que ejercían su derecho a manifestarse en contra de asuntos que, en su opinión, atentan contra la integridad moral y la justicia que impera en este recinto universitario.

The Use of Rubrics in the EFL Classroom

The Use of Rubrics in the EFL Classroom


Learning Assessment Course
Group 1

UCR-Limón, I, II, III Cycle

 As professionals in ELT, we should all be aware of the importance of ensuring students’ success aided by the use of assessment rubrics.  The latter ought to be used as a way to guide our students throughout their academic development.  
A rubric is used to check students’ academic performance as well as their daily production, including their behavior and any other criteria set by the professor or the educational curriculum.  Moreover, it should serve as a guideline or tool for teachers to objectively evaluate their students’ work and measure their observable performance.   

 It is important to note that rubrics must be customized to suit various purposes, levels and skills.  If required, they should also be modified once they have been developed according to the target audience. 

We must bear in mind that rubrics must be presented and handed out to students prior to assessment.  As a matter of fact, if students are provided with scoring criteria as well as rubrics, they will be better prepared and be able to improve the quality of their own work and increase knowledge.