Change is part of life's natural evolution and dependency. We all seem to depend on daily events and happenings to be able to better understand our real purpose(s) in life.Transition and change go hand in hand as both present themselves in life one after the other in coexistence.
Furthermore, being open to transition and change might turn out to be both disturbing and rewarding and even chaotic since many of us naturally fear losing authority and stability when presented with a new challenge.
In order for a person to succeed in what s/he endeavors to do, firstly there ought to be a feeling, an authentic feeling of openness and conviction to standing our ground before transition and change. After all, the stage that comes afterwards could and should ideally be that what we have envisioned as our ultimate goal.Facing transition and changes in life conducive to a positive outcome is possible provided we have clear goals to reach.
© 2006 Gilberto Hernández Quirós is a TEFL professor at Universidad de Costa Rica and Universidad De La Salle
WEBSITE http://gilbertocr.tripod.com/
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