Saturday, October 16, 2010

Reflective Artwork at UCR Limón and Liceo Diurno de Limón

Reflective artwork created at UCR-Limón and Liceo Diurno de Limón. Murals depict current issues affecting our youth, and it has been done for students to reflect upon.



eltjustforyou said...

Hello Teacher and happy afternoon.
Thank you for visiting my website and for your encouraging words :-)

I'm going to be developing more interesting materials for parents, kids, teachers, church members and many others.

I love the pictures you took and the words you place there for viewers to reflect upon, not only about the Limon's youth; but also upon each person that is dealing with children. Children are people we must respect, value and care for.
As ELT with the help of God, am aiming to be benefactor for all the children and youth I get in contact with. I am determine to do sooo!!! not by my strength, but by God's own.
Thanks once more teachhhh! :-)

RSandoval said...

The drawings are wonderful, in their crude reality, they hit me with a lot of thinking. Thank you for sharing your experiencies in that beautiful place: Limón